Camp Agape Golf Tournament
The Camp Agape Golf Tournament is typically held in May. Please follow us on Facebook for actual dates and more up to date information. This is a 4 man scramble tournament with a shot gun start. Below you can find team registration forms as well as tee box and sponsorship forms. Camper signs may also be purchased which will be used at the golf tournament and car show. Please contact Wade for with any further questions, registration, or volunteer opportunities at 806-678-1821.
Hogs at the Point
This is a fundraiser for Panhandle Children's Foundation Inc (PCFI) who generously sponsors all of our camps held at Talon Point. We would not be able to provide as many camp opportunities as we do without them. We are so grateful for PCFI! During this event, there is typically a motorcycle fun run, car show, kids cook off, and an IBCA sanctioned cook off. Please check their Facebook page, or the Talon Point Facebook page for updates. This event is typically held in April.
Camp Dates
Please follow us on Facebook (Camp Agape Amarillo) for the latest on camps we offer and camp dates!